Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My Breastfeeding Journey

Even though it's only the start of our breastfeeding journey, I'm proud to say that Rowan is still exclusively breastfed. (She's currently 7.5 weeks.)
That is something I could not say with my first child.
Levia was breastfed until she was about 6 months old, I do wish I could have breastfed her longer and exclusively.
I set goals for us this time.
Little goals to start off with.
Once I hit those little goals then I'm off to my next one.
I started off making these goals while I was pregnant.
I talked to my husband and in response he gave me his support.
He was proud of me, he is proud of me for keeping the goals I set.
If you're wondering what my goals are, here it is:
First, I told myself I will 100% breastfeed.
I will exclusively breastfeed.
No matter how tired I am, I will not give in.
"Breast is best!" is my motto.
Second, I decided to pump and freeze my milk for future use.
(Something I never did with Levia. I did use a pump but never stocked up. This time I have a freezer full of breast milk.)
Third, my goal is to breast feed exclusively until Rowan is 3 months.
Once, I hit that I go to my next goal which is 6 months.
Then 9 months.
Then 12 months.
I broke up the months that way I feel like my goals are short.
If I only looked at 12 months, I'd start to feel that's so far away.
I don't want to discourage myself.
Through all of this I have been blessed with a wonderful supportive husband.
I owe part of my accomplishments to him.
With Rowan, I also bought a nursing cover.
It has made feeding her in public so easy.
I'm not one to expose my breast, not that I am against it, it's just not for me.
As long as my baby is being fed and I am taking care of her, that's all that I care about.
I look forward to my breastfeeding journey with Rowan and updating how it's going for us.
For now, it's really going well.
She's loved.
She's being fed.
She's getting the best.
She's getting 100% of me.

I love how Rowan hold on to my clothes while nursing.
I remember Levia was all about holding the ends of my hair.


A photo of Rowan post-nursing.
Now that is one very satisfied baby.

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